2004/09/03 | 卡佐极短篇 x 3 (英文),作者:enarte
类别(火影文库) | 评论(4) | 阅读(224) | 发表于 02:51
茕蝶 (悲しみに染まらない白さ - dum spiro, spero)
@ 2004-07-24 20:15:00

卡佐极短篇 x 3 (英文)




At night, Sasuke's nightlight burns blue, and Kakashi's warm yellow.

If he were absolutely honest with himself, Sasuke would know why he ends up trotting the twenty minute walk to Kakashi's apartment nearly six nights out of seven, cracking open the door, which is always unlocked, and sneaking in under Kakashi's thin, laundry-smelling comforter.

Sasuke, though, has never been good with honesty, and so even when he is turning to leave the Leaf, he's not really sure why he feels suddenly that he's going to miss the warmth of Kakashi's slow breathing back against his in the soft, yellow night.


[A Nudge in the Wrong Direction]

Kakashi's bed really isn't big enough for two, but since Sasuke is pretty small and thin, they make do. Actually, it's not as though Kakashi ever invited him to come sleep over.

Sasuke just tends to take liberties when it comes to Kakashi, because whatever he does, Kakashi doesn't ever bat an eye, and besides, didn't he show him where he kept the spare key to the apartment? If that wasn't an invitation, Sasuke didn't know what was.

The only thing Kakashi ever seemed surprised by was the one time when, face to face instead of back to back for once, Sasuke, in the well-esteemed and highly-respected Uchiha tradition of barging through life with one's eyes firmly focused on one's own desires, shifted forward the five inches it took to bring his face nosetip to nosetip with Kakashi's, and kissed him.

It probably wasn't a brilliant kiss, but Kakashi let him finish, and then he said, slowly, with eyebrows raised, "That's highly inappropriate, Sasuke," turned around to present him with his back, and went silent.

He seemed to be asleep when Sasuke nudged him in the small of the back later, but in retrospect, Sasuke suspected he was faking it.



There are many things Sasuke would never admit in a million years, because admitting them would be detracting, somehow, from the definition of himself. They're not worth going into, for this exact reason.

To understand Sasuke, Kakashi finds he has only to take the boy's statements and flip them upside-down to find the truth. So when Sasuke says, after Kakashi's been hospitalized, and too sick to see him for a week, "You are the worst fucking teacher in the world," Kakashi only sighs and replies:

"Listen. If I didn't like you, Sasuke, I wouldn't even tolerate this kind of behavior."

