2005/07/03 | [E文卡佐]Untying the Knot (作者:Enkidu)
类别(火影文库) | 评论(1) | 阅读(437) | 发表于 11:09
“Untying the Knot”
By: Enkidu (evilchiapet)
Rating: C for Crack
Pairing: Kakashi/Sasuke, mentions of Lee/Sakura

Summary: Set in a slightly distant future. Kakashi and Sasuke discuss marriage...sort of.

Warnings: Yaoi. Weirdness. Some humor. Some seriousness. The OoC is so thick you can cut through it with a knife. My usual crappy beta-ing.

Author’s Note: I really wanted to write a more grown up and mature (much less angsty) Sasuke… at the same time, I was bored and wanted to make myself giggle insanely at 3 a.m. in the morning. That and I think I may have switched Kakashi’s and Sasuke’s personalities a wee. With that said, I need better ideas -_-;;

“You are cordially invited to the wedding of Rock Lee and Haruno Sakura…hm.”

Kakashi set the invitation on the table and glanced at the envelope again.

‘Hatake Kakashi & Uchiha Sasuke’

The words embossed with gold ink stared at him hauntingly from the front of the pristine white envelope. No matter how many times he read them over they never changed.

Sometimes, if he focused too long, he could see a hidden message behind their names appearing so close in beautiful calligraphy.

What does Sakura know?

Perhaps he was over-thinking this too much. Naturally their names would be on the same invitation. They did live together –by Tsunade’s orders, of course. Wedding invitations were expensive. Putting their names on the same invitation when they were living together was practical.

It wasn’t as if Sakura, or anyone else for that matter, knew Sasuke hadn’t slept in his own bed for over three years, or that they both had agreed mutual showers were a good way to conserve water and keep the cost of rent to a minimum.


He wasn’t exactly pleased with seeing both their names written that close to one another, crammed in the same piece of white paper like …like a married couple. Sakura might as well have written ‘To the Hatake family’ or the even stranger ‘To the Uchiha family’. Kakashi cringed. He was no Uchiha. He’d never take Sasuke’s family name lest every Uchiha that ever was simultaneously rolled in their graves… if they hadn’t already.

Hatake Sasuke wasn’t an option, either. He didn’t want Sasuke in his family –in his father’s family. Sasuke was no Hatake.

The fact that he was even contemplating this should have set some bells off in his head, but Kakashi had already decided long ago to dedicate the rest of his life to serving the Hidden Leaf. He did not want to become a family man –did not want to wed, did not want to father any children.

His thing –he wasn’t sure what to call it- with Sasuke wasn’t supposed to have lasted long enough to even vaguely resemble anything close to a relationship. Not that it could have been called a relationship, either. They still kept a respectable distance from each other –many unspoken words, touches fleeting and never in public, discreet glances that may have meant something or nothing at all.

There were no questions between them, but the mystery was still there –always there.

The problem was not that they had grown close to each other, but that they had grown comfortable with each other –comfortable with the silence, the unpredictability, the wedge kept firmly between them. It was easier than having to adapt to other people who spoke too much, who were too curious, and who would never let either of them have their own space. Still…

Whatever happened to Sasuke’s plan of resurrecting his clan? Didn’t he want to fill the village with more self-absorbed, arrogant Uchihas and restore his clan to its former glory?

As far as Kakashi could tell, Sasuke made no move to socially interact with females and put Part 2 of his Great Ambition™ into play. In fact, he had good reason to believe Sasuke was of the homosexual persuasion. Very good reason.

Then again, now that Sakura was getting married, and everyone was moving along with their lives, perhaps Sasuke would find himself inspired to start looking for a wife to settle down with. Kakashi wasn’t sure how he felt about that –whether he should encourage him or not.

Sasuke had become a constant in his life and his household as much as it sometimes irritated him. He just couldn’t imagine going to sleep and waking up next to nothing again.

Kakashi frowned.

‘I have gotten too use to him.’

With a loud sigh, Kakashi collected the envelope and the invitation before dragging himself to the bedroom. He paused at the doorway when he spotted a lump located on one side of the bed. He remembered how insistent Sasuke had been when trying to establish the fact that that was his side of the bed. Needless to say, Kakashi had been kicked off the bed numerous times.

Soft breathing sounds came from somewhere beneath the large, fluffy pillow, which Sasuke had also claimed for himself. The Uchiha was indeed very territorial. Slowly, Kakashi approached the slumbering body, pausing again to pry the pillow from his face unsurprised when Sasuke whipped an arm out and snatched his pillow back.

“Am not amused,” Sasuke mumbled sleepily and curled up even further.

“Just thought you would like to know about Sakura’s wedding,” Kakashi said rather boredly and dropped the invitation by his head.

As expected, Sasuke’s head popped upwards, hair draped over his face like a veil. Kakashi had often warned him about tying up the long locks at night so he didn’t drown in them every morning. “Wedding?” Sasuke inquired, voice still heavy with sleep.

“Yes. She’s getting married to Lee, and we are cordially invited to attend on-“

Ignoring him completely, Sasuke quickly snatched the invitation from the bed and tossed the envelope over his shoulder without a second glance.

Kakashi frowned and scratched the back of his head, wondering how Sasuke could discard the blatant, concrete sign of their…thing –he still refused to call it a relationship. Maybe he was making too big a deal of this, which just wasn’t like him at all. He was generally relaxed and uncaring about these things, especially little things…like envelopes…with names!…written in nice calligraphy.

With a light snort, Sasuke set the invitation aside and stared up at Kakashi. “So we’re going to go?” he asked.


Sasuke’s eyebrow rose. “No?”

“I’m going to go, and you’re going to go. There is no we,” Kakashi stated firmly, almost as if trying to convince himself.

The residual silence was not a comfortable one. “Whatever,” Sasuke muttered after some time and turned over on his other side.

There was another pregnant pause, before Kakashi finally had to ask, “…Do you ever think about marriage?”

That got Sasuke’s full attention. He shot up immediately and stared at Kakashi with wide eyes. Kakashi continued, “I recall your little speech when you were twelve years old about wanting to restore your clan.”

Sasuke was still staring at him like an ass had grown out of his forehead. Kakashi wasn’t sure what to make of it, so he kept talking. “…and I wanted to know if you want to get married?”

Before Kakashi could blink, a pillow went sailing towards his head, and he didn’t even bother to block it. He was used to Sasuke’s random little tantrums by now.

“No, I don’t want to marry you. First of all, that’s a shitty way to propose. Second of all, you can’t even bear children, and third of all, if this is some sick excuse to get me into a dress-“

Kakashi slapped a hand over the younger man’s mouth and sighed loudly. “I wasn’t proposing to you, Sasuke. I meant did you ever plan on marrying a young woman your age and having children?”

He removed the hand from Sasuke’s mouth.


Sasuke looked thoughtful for a few seconds before slowly lifting his head to meet Kakashi’s eyes. The expression on his face was solemn, something Kakashi hadn’t seen on him in so long now.

Sasuke spoke softly but his words were filled with certainty. “The clan will die with me. I refuse to pass this-,” the Sharingan appeared in his eyes, vibrant crimson like blood, “…this burden onto anyone else.”

Kakashi nodded silently in understanding and couldn’t help brushing back the errant strands of hair from Sasuke’s face.

A moment later, Sasuke slapped the hand away and squirmed out of bed, grabbing a handful of Kakashi’s shirt and dragging him along as he walked towards the bathroom. “Though, if you ever really want to marry me,” Sasuke grumbled as he started undressing himself, “I expect breakfast in bed every morning, a diamond ring on my finger, and a better apartment… Oh, and I’m not taking your last name. Hatake Sasuke sounds stupid.”

Kakashi just stood still on the bathroom mat. He was having a difficult time deciding if Sasuke was joking or not since ,well, Sasuke never joked about anything..

After turning on the shower, Sasuke made sure he was nicely wet -muscles glistening under silvery beads of water and hair falling in luscious black waves around his face and over his shoulders- before he glanced over at his former teacher and smirked.

“Well, are you coming in or not?”

In a matter of seconds, Kakashi was fully undressed and thoroughly soaping the younger man down.

“You know… I really enjoy this water conservation idea of yours,” Kakashi commented absently while lazily dragging the bar of soap down Sasuke’s back and rubbing tiny circles over the base of his spine, “and I am not just saying that because it usually leads to sex.”

The corner of Sasuke’s lips quirked up. “Does that mean we’ll continue to take showers together after we’re married?”

The soap hit the shower floor loudly.

The End.

